You Can't Start Recovery Too Early (Andy Petry)

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Recovery teaches us a new way of living in which we can embrace healthy practices and habits.

It's true that we often don't change until our pain exceeds our fear of change. But what if instead of experiencing more pain, we courageously stepped into a new way of living? What fruit could the principles of recovery produce if implemented earlier in our lives? How do we reach the next generation with the message of recovery?

In this message, Andy unpacks his experience of entering recovery at an early age, reflects on the fruit it has yielded, and discusses how our local ministries can be a safe place for all generations.

Product Features:

- One MP3 audio download

- Speaker: Andy Petry, National Landing Director

- Run time: 19:11

Download this message now and hear how you can share the powerful message of recovery with the younger generations around you.